A tragic story of a family that had three massive lions as pets – Don’t open if you’re too emotional (With Real Pictures)
They once tried to bring him back to the zoo, but the animal got really mad on the way there, jumping in the car. The workers of the zoo told the family that they never could part with the animal now, because he too got used to them. Just like a normal cat. So they had to keep it.
Leo’s wife, Nina, always buttressed: “The young lion loved her husband a lot. And was treating me gently, as a woman. But at a time, some other feelings towards me arouse in the animal. He started to sleep between us on our bed and was often pushing my husband out of the bed. He probably was jealous.
Their family friend who visited them often said: “King was a really kind animal. They took him as a very little one, and his front paws were paralyzed. The family was massaging his paws non-stop until he started walking. And he behaved like a normal cat. The only problem – he was fond of licking guests. And his tongue was like a real sand paper. But if you hush him a little he would run away into the corner or on the top shelf which was his nest.”.
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