A tragic story of a family that had three massive lions as pets – Don’t open if you’re too emotional (With Real Pictures)
Their neighbors however were not so happy about the lion living in their apartment block. They complained at the smell and also were irritated at the roar from the lion, sometimes even at night. Also meeting a 400 pound lion in the hallway or in the elevator was not too exciting for them, obviously.
The woman also told that they were putting the stainless steel nets on the balcony so that the lion couldn’t escape from their second floor apartment and then they were letting it walk freely around the place. “If he was too bored he just arrived to our bed, climbed on it, pushed out of the bed me or my husband and went to sleep till the next morning. Also kids were doing everything they wanted with him – rode him as a pony, were pulling his whiskers off etc – he never replied with anger”.
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