
How to travel cheaply (with advice from pro travelers)

Traveling doesn’t have to break the bank. Here’s how three experts suggest you approach budget traveling. Here’s a hot take: People who say that they love to travel … rarely ever do it. Instead, they’ll pepper you with excuses as to why they haven’t traveled but still wish they could. “I don’t have enough vacation days!” “I’m just way too busy with work/school/binge-watching-the-entirety-of-Game-Of-Thrones.” “I’ll finally go backpacking eventually.” However, the most common excuse that gets uttered by people who wish they traveled is this: “Traveling is too expensive.” I’m sure you’ve found yourself saying it. Hell, I’ve used this excuse before too — and there’s a good reason for it. Society tells us that traveling (especially international travel) has to be expensive — that unless you’re dropping thousands of dollars on airplane tickets, hotel rooms, tours, museum passes, and expensive travel gear, or spending hundreds of hours studying the mysterious art of travel rewards hacking, you’re going to break the bank. In reality, you CAN save money without havin

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